5 Thing About Magic Kingdom, You Should Know Before Your First Visit to Disney World

5 Things About Magic Kingdom, You Should Know Before Your First Visit to Disney World

For almost half a century Walt Disney Word has been the top destination nationwide if not worldwide. From the beginning the centerpiece was Magic Kingdom. For most guests the first visit to Disney World starts here or it is the first and only park to visit. Still with its popularity, manyย guest on their first visit to Disney World, arrive with some misinformation.

5. The Magic Kingdom is not Walt Disney World, and Walt Disney World is not Magic Kingdom.

The most common mistake made by visitor on their first visit to Disney World is when asked “What Park are you doing today?” They answer “Disney World”…

WRONG… Walt Disney World and Magic Kingdom are not the same. Walt Disney World is made up of all the parks, resorts, and support facilities of the 26 square miles of Walt Disney World property. Magic Kingdom is one park within Walt Disney World. It is the first park built in Walt Disney World. For the first 11 years the only main theme park on property. The reason for the confusion is because of years of advertisement and shows featuring the Magic Kingdom when promoting Walt Disney World, it is a very common mistake. So when someone asks “What Park are you doing today?” The correct answer is “Magic Kingdom”

4. Doing Everything In One Day

In a perfect world there would be no crowds when you go to Magic Kingdom. But even though we wish for it, or at least expect it to be that way, there will be crowds.

You will hear the great tales of a friend going to Magic Kingdom and they walked briskly onto every ride. Alas a lot of people want to be in Magic Kingdom and usually when you want to be there. The park will be crowded and everyone want to go on the same rides, don’t expect to do them all.

If I get to go on 7 ride I count it as a win, anything more and it is a truly successful day. To do every ride in the park, is a feat of patience, endurance and fortitude. It can be done, but if you have an kids, you will be pushing them too hard and will likely face a meltdown from one or two children and definitely one adult. So take your time and just enjoy the park.

3. Alcohol is not served in Magic Kingdom. (KINDA…)

Hearing stories about going from world to world and getting a drink in each one…Not in Magic Kingdom.

If you are looking to really tie one on, you are looking for Epcot most likely. Until recently Magic Kingdom was a strictly dry county. In the past few years a few dining option have begun to offer a drink selection, varying from Beer, Wine, Champagne and a few specialty drinks. Alcohol is served within the restaurants. There are no outdoor serving areas, like in Epcot. You won’t be able to enjoy a 3′ long Margarita as you walk around the Magic Kingdom.

2. Magic Kingdom is full of Thrill Rides.

Magic Kingdom is the Grandpa of Theme Parks, so visitors would expect it to be roller coasters and thrill rides… It does have several roller coasters and thrill rides. Mostย areย shorter in length than you will find at other parks. Some rides are dated in design and not really on par with place like Cedar Point, Busch Gardens and Six Flags. All theย rides are incredibly entertaining and memorable.ย  I love the shining gems of the jeweled mine inย Seven Dwarfs Mine Train.

1. You are going to have fun.

Yes, believe it or not you will have fun. Even the most reluctant guest will ultimately admit after a visit, that they did have fun. Looking past everything that people might complain or worry about, it is designed to be fun. Overall the non stop choice of entertainment and treats does eventually cause the most reluctant friends to enjoy themselves at some point.

So enjoy your visit to the parks and remember HAVE FUN

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